Therapy FAQs

Tap on the therapy questions below to expand. We also have a Technical FAQs page for technical issues.

We often get questions about the different Glenn Harrold apps available so watch the video which will explain the differences between them!

Ultimate Hypnosis (this is a subscription app which offers access to all sessions plus features such as live meditations with me for a monthly fee)
👉 iPhone
👉 Android

Relax & Sleep Well (this app allows outright purchases of individual sessions)
👉 iPhone
👉 Android


Watch the video for more information about Glenn Harrold.

Download our How to Use This App PDF and The Ultimate Guide to Self Hypnosis PDF e-books for more information on how to use the app and our hypnosis and meditation sessions most effectively.

You can listen to the recordings as often as you like. The recommendation is to listen on a daily basis and focus on one goal at a time. For example, one goal would be losing weight, another might be quitting smoking, or overcoming a fear or phobia. The key to absorbing hypnotic suggestion is to put your feelings and emotions into it as you listen so that you really accept every suggestion as real. The more often you hear the suggestions the quicker your unconscious mind gets the message and you will then respond to the suggestions automatically in your everyday life.

The hypnosis recordings will work differently with each individual. It is impossible to give an estimated time for changes to occur, but after listening a few times you should begin to notice some positive changes. Sometimes the changes can be instant and dramatic, or you may experience a gradual subtle progression into a new pattern of behaviour over time. Once the changes have been made they tend to be permanent as the unconscious mind accepts new patterns of behaviour unconditionally.

We recommend listening to the recordings on a daily basis for 21 days initially, and continue until you have reached your goal or overcome the problem. You may even choose to continue listening indefinitely to reinforce the suggestions.

The packages sold on this website contain titles that work well with each other so you can mix them and work on areas which you feel need the most work for you personally. For example, Lose Weight Now!, Spiritual Weight Loss, Exercise & Fitness Motivation and Build Your Self-Esteem all compliment each other well when the lister's goal is to lose weight. So you could listen to one title in the evening (for example, Lose Weight Now!) and a different title in the morning (for example, Exercise & Fitness Motivation).

Alternatively, you may choose to listen to one title exclusively for 21 days (for example, Lose Weight Now), and for the next 21 days move onto another area which you feel may need work (for example, Build Your Self Esteem).

We would not advise listening to titles with very different goals at the same time. For example, a Stop Smoking Forever and Lose Weight Now are both very separate goals that need your full attention.

As for time span, it really depends on how you feel after listening to the recordings for some time. For example, if after listening to the MP3s included in the Lose Weight package for two months you feel you have conquered the problem, then you can move on to another goal. However, a top up listen every now and again is a good idea! If after this time you are still struggling with your problem, then continue working with the recording and also perhaps seek additional one to one help from a good therapist.

At the point on each recordings where you are instructed to repeat affirmations try to connect with positive feelings (for example, happiness, joy or love), as this will help you absorb the affirmations on a very deep level. You don’t have to repeat the affirmations out loud but do make a strong connection with them. Imagine that you are drawing the phrases deep inside you so that you embrace new patterns of behaviour relating to the title.


It is probably best to listen to one recording at a time to allow your mind to focus on one goal. However, some recordings will work well with others if the issues are closely related.

For example, Build Your Self-Esteem will work fine in conjunction with Learn How To Think Positively, Develop Your Self-Confidence, or Lose Weight Now.

However, we would not advise listening to Stop Smoking Forever and Lose Weight Now together as both are separate goals that need your full attention.

As for time span, it really depends on how you feel after listening to the recordings for some time. For example, if after listening to Lose Weight Now for two months you feel you have conquered the problem, then you can move on to another goal. However, a top up listen every now and again is a good idea.

If after this time you are still struggling with your problem, then continue working with the recording and also perhaps seek additional one to one help from a good therapist. One to one hypnotherapy sessions are very good at getting the root cause, usually through regression techniques. The Hypnotherapy Directory have well trained therapists all over the UK. Please make sure that any therapist you choose is affiliated with a recognised organisation.

Solfeggio Meditations:

Please note that the Solfeggio meditations by Glenn Harrold & Ali Calderwood are different to our other titles. Each of the Solfeggio recordings must be used for 21 days alone initially without mixing in any of the other Solfeggio recordings. This is because these recordings work on a very deep level and this gives times for anything to be released before moving on another to another frequency. Sometimes the user may feel that they wish to continue for more than 21 days. This only applies to the Solfeggio range and if you wish you can use Glenns other titles whilst listening to the Solfeggio recordings.

IMPORTANT: Do not listen to hypnosis recordings whilst driving or operating heavy machinery.

DISCLAIMER: Glenn's recordings are not designed to be listened to by anyone suffering from epilepsy or severe mental health issues, including psychosis. The information and guidance given by Glenn Harrold is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. If you are unsure about the suitability of these recordings please consult a medical professional before listening.

Glenn's advice on people with epilepsy and depression using his recordings:
"We have had many customers with epilepsy and depression who have used my hypnosis audios with positive results. I know that hypnotic videos can cause problems as strobe effects can trigger epilepsy attacks, but to the best of my knowledge hypnosis/meditation MP3s are not a problem. With my audios you are guided into a deeply relaxed state using gentle suggestion techniques, which is unlikely to have any adverse effect if you suffer with epilepsy or depression. However, I would still consult your doctor for expert advice as there are different types of epilepsy and depression and your doctor will know your medical history and if hypnosis recordings are appropriate for you."

What is hypnotherapy and will I lose control and do crazy things like I have seen on TV?
Hypnotherapy is one of the most groundbreaking therapies for facilitating profound change in people’s lives. Whether someone desires to quit smoking, lose weight, achieve success, improve their sleep, develop their confidence, or deal with childhood issues in an unintrusive way, hypnotherapy is a powerful way to get quick and amazing results.

It is an aid for personal development, problem resolution, and self-healing.
Hypnotherapy utilises the power of the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is the setting for creativity, imagination, and human potential. It is the part of you that drives a car or walks to the shop even though your mind is wandering to other places. It is also the place where negative, limiting beliefs and old patterns are stored. This is why even when you desperately want to improve yourself; you just keep playing out that old, unfulfilling script.

Fortunately hypnosis can speak the language of this infinitely powerful, yet often draining part of the mind. With the use of language, communication, sound, or imagery, one is guided into a trance where the unconscious mind can be accessed.

In this state of deep relaxation, healing and transformation can easily take place. Because of this connection to the unconscious mind, you can break free from negative ways of thinking and being that have been keeping you hindered from your ultimate capacities. Our possibilities as human being are endless when the unconscious mind is skilfully tapped into and worked with.

The outdated picture of lying on a couch while someone dangles a clock above your face as you drift off to Neverland while the therapist has complete control over you is fortunately beginning to change as more people experience the benefits of this valuable therapy.

And most of us have seen the stage hypnotist make some guy run around mooing like a cow or doing some other ridiculous act. While this can be entertaining, it has nothing to do with hypnotherapy.

During a hypnotherapy session, you are in complete control. If you choose to wake up, you just open your eyes. No one is going to make you do anything against your will. You are fully conscious of your surroundings, and in many cases your senses are heightened.

Anyone can enjoy the results of hypnotherapy. It is really just an “accelerated meditation” to get us into a calm state so we can cope more efficiently and joyfully with life. And now, with modern technology, we don’t need to be reliant on a therapist to help us achieve our dreams. In fact we don’t even need to leave our own home. Just put on your headphones on a regular basis, and watch as the positive changes begin to take place.


On each of the recordings you will be guided into a state of complete mental and physical relaxation using the latest hypnotherapy techniques and soothing background sounds. These sounds are recorded in specific musical keys and frequencies which deepen the relaxation effect. There are also a number of 60 beats-per-minute sound effects that help to synchronise the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which in turn creates an extremely receptive learning state.

Once you are in this optimum learning state, you are you are giving a number of post hypnotic suggestions relating to the title of the recording. You are also instructed to repeat carefully worded affirmations. These affirmations are profoundly hypnotic and soothing, allowing you to absorb the phrases on a very deep level which helps to create new patterns of behaviour.

Some of the recordings also include ‘pink noise’ which is a natural sound similar to waves. The low frequencies (between 6 & 10hz) emitted by ‘pink noise’ sounds synchronise with brainwaves and guide you into a mentally relaxed and creative state. Sometimes emotions can surface but this is often a good thing as it can be a part of the clearing process.

At the end of the recordings, you will either be guided into a deep sleep or gently brought back to full waking consciousness with a combination of suggestion and music. There are a number of positive subliminal messages embedded.


If you fall asleep listening to the recording but on the awake version you still hear the count up at the end of the track, you have probably been in a deep trance throughout. In this state you will still be absorbing all the suggestions on an unconscious level.

If you don’t hear the count up at the end you have probably drifted into a deep sleep at some point. In this case you will probably only absorb the suggestions to the point where you went into a deeper sleep. If this is the case we suggest you listen at a time when you are not tired.


Try to make your bedroom an EMF free zone. If you listen to the recordings to help you sleep, then do so with the phone or tablet in "airplane mode" as this will minimise the radiation from the device.


Yes! The main therapy vocal is in the centre of the stereo range, and this is the most important part. If you listen through one earphone you may not hear all the effects all of the time, but you will still get many of the benefits of the recordings. Also many of the stereo affirmations pan from both sides of the stereo range and all sound effects are centred, so there is actually nothing you will miss.


Very occasionally we do get messages telling us that listening to an MP3 has caused the listener to feel emotional. Many of Glenn's hypnosis recordings can bring up things from the past, so if you are experiencing emotions it can sometimes be part of the healing process. When these things come up it can plug you into old feelings, but at the same time its likely you will also be processing them, which is a good thing as ultimately this can free you from old traumas and blocks.

However, we would suggest that if it continues you take a break from it and then start again in a couple of weeks. If the same thing happens then maybe the recording is not right for you as the sadness should not be ongoing.


When Glenn began making hypnotherapy MP3s his goal was to make safest and most effective audios possible. The MP3s sold on this website are of the highest quality and are very safe to use. We have now sold over 10 million recordings without a single problem because of their safe nature and the care and integrity behind them. That said, we do advise that if you suffer from serious depression or epilepsy you consult your doctor before using the MP3s as they will know your medical history and if hypnotherapy recordings are appropriate for you.

IMPORTANT: Do not listen to hypnosis recordings whilst driving or operating heavy machinery.

DISCLAIMER: Glenn's recordings are not designed to be listened to by anyone suffering from epilepsy or severe mental health issues, including psychosis. The information and guidance given by Glenn Harrold is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. If you are unsure about the suitability of these recordings please consult a medical professional before listening.

Glenn's advice on people with epilepsy and depression using his recordings:
"We have had many customers with epilepsy and depression who have used my hypnosis audios with positive results. I know that hypnotic videos can cause problems as strobe effects can trigger epilepsy attacks, but to the best of my knowledge hypnosis/meditation MP3s are not a problem. With my audios you are guided into a deeply relaxed state using gentle suggestion techniques, which is unlikely to have any adverse effect if you suffer with epilepsy or depression. However, I would still consult your doctor for expert advice as there are different types of epilepsy and depression and your doctor will know your medical history and if hypnosis recordings are appropriate for you."


Our recordings can go a long way to helping in many areas but when things do become deep rooted, or if you are dealing with a very specific issue, seeing a qualified hypnotherapist who can then give you one to one care can be helpful.

One to one hypnotherapy sessions are very good at getting the root cause, usually through regression techniques.

Glenn's son Lee Harrold is also a fully qualified hypnotherapist and offers one-to-one sessions We have been receiving wonderful feedback from those that we have referred on to him.

Alternatively, The Hypnotherapy Directory have well trained therapists all over the UK.

Please make sure that any therapist you choose is affiliated with a recognised organisation.

We are always working on new commercial titles covering an ever-expanding range of subjects. There is much time and care spent producing new titles so it is costly and time consuming to produce a personalised recording. However, when we have to put a price on producing a one off, our usual quote is approximately £2,000 depending on what is required.

Diviniti Publishing are not connected or affiliated to any religious or spiritual group or belief system. The sole purpose of our apps, books and audio recordings is to help people achieve great personal growth or to overcome fears, problems or anxieties.