De-Stress Exam Time The next few weeks in the UK will see many students sitting exams, and the stress levels in the majority of households will be running a little higher than usual! Many people find the process of exams very challenging, but as with any stressful
Read more →Supreme Self Confidence Self confidence is something that we admire in others, but often struggle with ourselves. We have all met a person that exudes warmth and charisma, who can talk to a room full of people and make them feel good, whom everyone respects and loves
Read more →Choose Happiness Happiness is something that we all seek, but something that most people find hard to define. Rather than the permanent, exaggerated state that we see at the end of Hollywood movies, true happiness comes in brief moments, when we take time to notice it. Most
Read more →Find Your Purpose In our fast paced society, it’s easy to become stuck in a rut without even noticing. We are often so busy trying to keep up with work, family, socialising and other commitments, that we stop paying attention how we are feeling, and this leads
Read more →Boost Your Energy In the winter months, it’s especially hard to keep your energy levels up. Dark evenings and sub-zero temperatures increase our melatonin levels, which make us feel sleepy and under the weather. Follow these simple steps to boost your energy and feel better, inside and
Read more →Overcome social anxiety Social anxiety can be a crippling condition and a self-fulfilling prophecy; the more disastrously we imagine a social situation, the more likely it is to go badly. It becomes a vicious cycle. We avoid social situations; we grow more anxious about them and consequently
Read more →Self-hypnosis – the myths and the facts Self-hypnosis is the ability to focus your energy whilst in a deeply relaxed state of mind and body. When you are in a trance state you can focus your energy on a specific goal or simply quieten your mind and
Read more →Learn to Love Exercise We all know how vital exercise is to our wellbeing, and the most important step to becoming fit and healthy is to learn to love exercise! Follow these steps and get inspired to get moving! Small steps Each and every day, look for
Read more →Create a more positive body image In today’s society, it seems to become harder and harder to feel good about yourself and have a positive body image. How we feel about ourselves affects everything – our work, home life, and relationships with others. We can also easily
Read more →Control stress and anxiety with self-hypnosis Most of our worries come from a need to be secure. The world is a chaotic place and it can be hard not to feel the fear at times when there are so many things beyond our control. We are living
Read more →Overcome Stress: Dealing with difficult people Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, from time to time, you will encounter difficult people. In the workplace, in a friendship group, or even in your family; difficult people can make life very complicated and stressful. Whilst they cannot
Read more →Detox your mind with self-hypnosis It is a sad fact that in the 21st Century, despite all the gadgets that we now have to make our lives easier, 59% of British adults say their life is more stressful than it was five years ago. (Source The
Read more →Releasing anxiety and worry with mindfulness meditation If you have ever taken a car journey, and suddenly realised that you don’t remember the journey, or eaten something without really noticing, congratulations; you are human! We are all guilty of ‘mindlessness’ from time to time, but learning and
Read more →Overcome job interview nerves It is completely natural to feel anxious when you are going to be interviewed, but often, the nerves and worry affect your performance in a negative way. The stress and worry prior to an interview can stop you showing your true capabilities, and
Read more →Overcome chocolate addiction with hypnosis After the excess of Christmas and Easter, many people are fed up with mountains of chocolate, and looking forward to a summer of healthy eating. Wouldn’t it be better however, to say goodbye to unhealthy chocolate binges forever? Over the years, I’ve
Read more →Be grateful! With the stresses and strains of everyday 21st Century life, and the awful, negative information being drip-fed to us through the media, it’s easy to feel low, stressed or hopeless. One of the best ways to flip out of negative thinking and feel better about life
Read more →Create financial abundance with hypnosis It is perfectly possible to create financial abundance using hypnosis and the power of your own mind. This is not necessarily about winning a large amount of money (though that is perfectly possible) but about reprogramming your mind to follow a new
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