Free Yourself from Guilt Feelings of guilt are a natural part of the human condition. Guilt is an important tool that helps us to learn right from wrong as we grow into adults, by letting us see how our words and behaviour affect others. Extreme guilt, however,
Read more →Overcome Technology Addiction Technology is a wonderful thing, and smartphones and tablets have brought the world to our fingertips like never before. We are able to stay in touch with people on the other side of the globe, find out news and information easier than ever, and
Read more →Let Yourself Forgive We have all been hurt at some point in our lives, but letting go of the past and choosing to forgive is a healthy choice. It is not an easy journey to find peace, but by making the decision to follow the path to
Read more →De-Stress Exam Time The next few weeks in the UK will see many students sitting exams, and the stress levels in the majority of households will be running a little higher than usual! Many people find the process of exams very challenging, but as with any stressful
Read more →Boost Your Brainpower In the 21st Century, there is so much going on inside our heads that it is no wonder that we get forgetful. Our brains are constantly stimulated, and we can have a minimum flow of 50,000 individual thoughts in any one day. Barring medical
Read more →How To Deal With Anger Issues Anger is a normal, natural emotion that we all experience at different levels from time to time. It can vary from mild irritation and displeasure, through to ‘red mist’ uncontrollable rage. Notice the next moment that you experience a flash of
Read more →Overcome Perfectionism A healthy level of perfectionism can have huge benefits. Performing and working to the best of your ability is a great way to live, to achieve both at work at in your personal life. Extreme perfectionism can be very damaging, however, and can contradictorily stop
Read more →Find inner peace In my last blog, I mentioned a song that I had written with Aly about Peace Pilgrim; an amazing woman who walked alone across America to spread a message of peace. Whilst she spoke of peace between nations and individuals, she also taught a
Read more →Overcome social anxiety Social anxiety can be a crippling condition and a self-fulfilling prophecy; the more disastrously we imagine a social situation, the more likely it is to go badly. It becomes a vicious cycle. We avoid social situations; we grow more anxious about them and consequently
Read more →How To Improve Your Memory Memories are one of our most important and treasured possessions, from recollecting a happy childhood, practising a presentation for work or simply remembering where we have left the car keys! Memory problems can be a vicious cycle; being stressed can cause memory
Read more →Self-hypnosis – the myths and the facts Self-hypnosis is the ability to focus your energy whilst in a deeply relaxed state of mind and body. When you are in a trance state you can focus your energy on a specific goal or simply quieten your mind and
Read more →Overcome fear and negativity With recent events, the world can feel like a very scary and uncertain place. It’s more important than ever to minimise negative thoughts, and to spread peace and happiness where you can. Follow these steps to strengthen your positivity and overcome fear and
Read more →Beat stress in the workplace However much you love your job, stress is bound to occur from time to time. From difficult colleagues and tight deadlines, to a lack of job satisfaction or stability, work stress can be debilitating and leave you feeling dreadful. Extreme or prolonged
Read more →Mindfulness and healthy eating It’s the start of a New Year, and with it comes an abundance of New Year’s resolutions. At the top of most people’s lists is the resolution to lose weight. With our current lifestyles – juggling work, family life, social life and other
Read more →Control stress and anxiety with self-hypnosis Most of our worries come from a need to be secure. The world is a chaotic place and it can be hard not to feel the fear at times when there are so many things beyond our control. We are living
Read more →The benefits of gratitude The benefits of practising gratitude are huge. From improved sleep to happier relationships, it’s scientifically proven that taking time out of your day to consider all that you have is immensely powerful. Let’s take a look at some of the perks of being
Read more →Detox your mind with self-hypnosis It is a sad fact that in the 21st Century, despite all the gadgets that we now have to make our lives easier, 59% of British adults say their life is more stressful than it was five years ago. (Source The
Read more →Releasing anxiety and worry with mindfulness meditation If you have ever taken a car journey, and suddenly realised that you don’t remember the journey, or eaten something without really noticing, congratulations; you are human! We are all guilty of ‘mindlessness’ from time to time, but learning and
Read more →Create a space for meditation When we practise self-hypnosis or meditation, we access the right hemisphere of the brain. The right side is where your creativity lies and through hypnosis and meditation, you will be tapping into the infinite, universal source of creativity that is available to
Read more →Banish negative self-talk to build self-esteem with hypnosis The first rule of learning to love and respect yourself is to completely banish negative self-talk from your vocabulary. Self-criticism is very destructive and you must never again speak negatively to yourself or about yourself, as all you are
Read more →Create financial abundance with hypnosis It is perfectly possible to create financial abundance using hypnosis and the power of your own mind. This is not necessarily about winning a large amount of money (though that is perfectly possible) but about reprogramming your mind to follow a new
Read more →Clear debt and attract abundance in 5 easy steps Whilst the economy is gradually recovering, there’s no denying that the last few years have been enormously stressful and difficult for many people. The criminal behaviour of large financial institutions and the subsequent overspending of the early 2000s
Read more →Meditation and relaxation techniques for stress It is a sad fact that in the 21st Century, despite all the gadgets that we now have to make our lives easier, 59% of British adults say their life is more stressful than it was five years ago. (Source Whether
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