Overcome social anxiety

Overcome social anxiety

Overcome social anxiety Social anxiety can be a crippling condition and a self-fulfilling prophecy; the more disastrously we imagine a social situation, the more likely it is to go badly. It becomes a vicious cycle. We avoid social situations; we grow more anxious about them and consequently

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Mindfulness and healthy eating

Mindfulness and healthy eating

Mindfulness and healthy eating It’s the start of a New Year, and with it comes an abundance of New Year’s resolutions. At the top of most people’s lists is the resolution to lose weight. With our current lifestyles – juggling work, family life, social life and other

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Detox your mind with self-hypnosis

Detox your mind with self-hypnosis

Detox your mind with self-hypnosis It is a sad fact that in the 21st Century, despite all the gadgets that we now have to make our lives easier, 59% of British adults say their life is more stressful than it was five years ago. (Source http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk) The

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Release anxiety and worry with mindfulness meditation

Release anxiety and worry with mindfulness meditation

Releasing anxiety and worry with mindfulness meditation If you have ever taken a car journey, and suddenly realised that you don’t remember the journey, or eaten something without really noticing, congratulations; you are human! We are all guilty of ‘mindlessness’ from time to time, but learning and

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Banish negative self-talk to build self-esteem with hypnosis

Banish negative self-talk to build self-esteem with hypnosis

Banish negative self-talk to build self-esteem with hypnosis The first rule of learning to love and respect yourself is to completely banish negative self-talk from your vocabulary. Self-criticism is very destructive and you must never again speak negatively to yourself or about yourself, as all you are

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